Physiotherapy Device for Eyes

My mother bought me one of these physiotherapy device for the shortsighted in sixth grade, after my eye sight signficantly degraded. It was recommended by her colleague, whose son had used it, and had positive effects. After looking at floods of positive reviews online, we decided it would be a right choice to buy one. By telephone hotline we placed the order

Few days after an appointment was arranged to deliver the device. On that afternoon, two salesmen arrived with an eye chart box. They were to set up an initial eye test, so that the progress effect of the device can be measured afterwards.

A eye sight measuring session is to be arranged in the living room. However our moderate sized living room is not lengthy enough for a proper arrangement, since the dormitory apartment layout was only to fullfill basic needs. One of them improvised that, the diagonal length of the living room rectangle could be taken advantage of. Hence, my initial eye sight is measured, the device was delivered

Each morning, I look into the machine's neon color variations, accompanied by relaxational classical music. The device accompanied me a year or two without testified improvement in sight.